Naturist Christians
"As Christians we uphold the moral values taught by our savior Jesus Christ while as naturists we enjoy being nude in a non-sexual, non-erotic way."
Christians? - Wondering what we are all about or
maybe even how someone could be a Christian and a naturist? Here is
some information that will help answer your questions.
Naturist Photos - When seeking to educate and promote our values, we have found that sometimes seeing examples means more than anything else. Here we present photos of people living their lives naturally, without clothes, without shame, and as God created it.
Search Safely - When searching popular search engines for naturist information, it's easy to get irrelevant and off topic information. We have created a search engine where you can Search naturist topics and get only relevant and useful information.
Polls - Help us learn more about you by voting in our polls.
difference between this site and many other sites that portrays the
nude body form, is that we are a Christian naturist site. What is a
Christian naturist? As Christians we uphold the moral values taught
by our savior Jesus Christ while as naturists we enjoy being nude in
a non-sexual, non-erotic way. In short, we are committed to a
Christian, international, family centered, natural and naturist set
of Core Values." is a mission of continuing care, inc., a registered 501-c-3 non profit church/religious in florida, usa and is registered fictitious name with the secretary of state. no member or officer receives any compensation for services. no fees or payments are required to participate in its mission. as with any not-for-profit organization, funds raised are necessary to continue its mission. naturist-christians depends on those who are able to make financial contributions which are used to carry out its mission. please share your tax-deductible contribution
Nudes for Jesus Blogspot is not affiliated with or Continuing Care, Inc. All trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective owners, and are used here under the terms of Fair Use as defined in United States Copyright Doctrine, Nicene Christian™ Doctrines. Nudes for Jesus is a registered trademark belonging to a non-christian organization/me.
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