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Rabbi Nachman of Breslov taught (Likutay Moharan 64) that every Wisdom and Intellect has it's own specific tune and melody. It is from the melody that the wisdom is produced and extended (as can be discerned in Psalms (47) 'sing enlighten'). Even the the wisdom of heresy has it's own specific tune and melody unique to the wisdom of heresy.
The following links will help you understand our religion more completely. Note that these are all excellent Jewish resources. They are not Messianic however. Understand the diversity that exists within Judaism and discover our Rebbe's rightful place within it. THIS is the beginning of knowledge:
Notice that the English translation from the original Hebrew does not contain the word “pierced.” The King James version deliberately mistranslated the Hebrew word kaari (כָּאֲרִי) as “pierced,” rather than “like a lion,” whereby drawing the reader to a false conclusion that this Psalm is describing the Crucifixion. The Hebrew word כָּאֲרִי does not mean pierced but plainly means “like a lion. The end of Psalm 22:17, therefore, properly reads “like a lion they are at my hands and my feet.” Had King David wished to write the word “pierced,” he would never have used the Hebrew word kaari. Instead, he would have written either daqar or ratza, which are common Hebrew words in the Jewish Scriptures. These common words mean to “stab” or “pierce.” Needless to say, the phrase “they pierced my hands and my feet” is a not-too-ingenious Christian contrivance that appears nowhere in Tanach.
Gal 4:16 Have I now become your enemy because I tell you the truth?
Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
The very elect? Jews are the eternally Elect of HaShem (God). They have not and will not ever be replaced (Malachi 3:6).
Bear in mind, the Jewish Scriptures were written in Hebrew, not in seventeenth century King James English. What has made Christian believers so vulnerable to Bible tampering is that almost none of them can read or understand the Hebrew Bible in its original language. Virtually no Christian child in the world is taught the Hebrew language as part of a formal Christian education. As he and countless other Christians earnestly study the Authorized Version of the Bible, there is a blinding yet prevailing assumption that what you are reading is Heaven-breathed. Tragically, virtually every Christian in the world reads the translation of men rather than the Word of God. On the other hand, every Jewish child in the world who is enrolled in a Jewish school is taught to read and write Hebrew long before he or she even heard the name of Luther, David Bernard or Irvin Baxtor Jr. (UPC's and TBN's Prophet at Arms)
Unbeknownst to UPC's and parishioners worldwide, the King James Version and numerous other Christian Bible translations were meticulously shaped and painstakingly retrofitted in order to produce a message that would sustain and advance Church theology and exegesis.
This aggressive rewriting of biblical texts has had a devastating impact on Christians throughout the world who unhesitatingly embrace these corrupt translations. As a result, Christians earnestly wonder why the Jews, who are the bearers and protectors of the divine oracles of God, have not willingly accepted Jesus as their messiah.
The world is looking for a great leader to appear, one that will deceive many into following him?
Religion awaits for a man of evil, but few do know, he's been and gone.
He combined Torah worship with Pagan Sun Worship. He's name is Constantine the Great 325CE
4073 --312 C.E. Birth of the Nicene Christian religion:
During his famous battle for control of Rome against Maxentius, Constantine -- the mighty warlord who became Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus (lived circa February 27, 272 - May 22, 337) -- a Pagan worshiper of Mithras Sol Invictus (the Roman sun god) until the day he died, claimed to have had a vision of Rebbe Y'shua. Constantine claimed that Y'shua had appeared to him in the heavens, enshrouded by the Sun (the sacred emblem of Sol) and ordered him to "fight and conquer" under the sign of the Chi-Rho (a form of the ancient Pagan cross). To the right you see a Roman coin embossed with this Pagan symbol on one side and the emperor on the other. Rebbe Y'shua of course died on a stake (a starous) according to the New Testament, not on a cross.
Under the sway of this new all inclusive governmental and ecclesiastical hierarchy the Nazarene Jews were largely silenced as Vatican authorities codified and mandated heretical doctrines in their councils: such as those held at Nicaea in May of 325.

The Nicene Creed appears in slightly different forms (and of courses languages). The Creed is usually just called the "Nicene Creed" but it is also known as the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, after its origin in the first two Church ecumenical Councils in 325 and 381. You can read the Creed here
source: [1] http://www.outreachjudaism.org/articles/lutheran.html
Helpful Websites:
Helpful Books:
To Be A Jew
The Gutnick Chumash
The Works of Rebbe Nachman
Chabad Store
Derech HaShem: The Way of God
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